Thursday, February 8, 2024

Why do I keep getting COVID-19 but those around me don't?

Plus more health news |

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Why do I keep getting COVID-19 but those around me don't?
By Alice Park
Senior Health Correspondent

Are you the only person in your family or friend group who keeps getting COVID-19—even if you hang out in the same places and take the same safety precautions? A new study explains that genetics may be playing a greater role in the pandemic than in previous years in determining who gets infected, and how sick they get.


How to Find Your New Favorite Hobby
By Angela Haupt
Challenging, fun, and engaging hobbies have the power to make us happier and healthier.
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Type 2 Diabetes Remission Is Possible. Here's How to Do It
By Michael O. Schroeder
Patients with Type 2 diabetes can achieve remission, usually via weight loss.
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Is Honey Healthy? Here’s What Experts Say
By Cassie Shortsleeve 
It's good for a cough—but there's more to the story. (Originally published in 2019.)
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For Better Well-Being, Just Breathe
By Emma Seppälä
Emotions influence your breathing patterns, and changing your breathing can change your emotions.
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6 Ways to Set Boundaries at Work—Even When It's Uncomfortable
By Angela Haupt
Yes, even in this economy.
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Today's newsletter was written by Alice Park and edited by Angela Haupt.


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