Lots of news including coin distribution By Brian C Woosley on July 20, 2018 | | Hello everyone, Today (July 20th) marks exactly 3 months since the launch date of the empowr coin on April 20th. We've got GREAT news to share. And that news also comes with accelerated coin maturation for many of you. Let’s start with a progress report for you: As you know, together we decided on a strategy for our coin that focused on coin price stability and growth, given that we’re the first in the world to build an economy around cryptocurrency that can deliver those 2 highly desirable traits (coin price stability and growth). A reminder of our coin price goals: Along with low volatility (= stability) in the day to day price of the coin, as you may remember we set price targets for our coin as follows: - $1 by the end of May (from the $0.26 price at end of coin launch date April 20, 2018)
- $2 by the end of this month (July)
- $10 by the end of this year (2018)
- $100 by about a year from now (mid-August 2019)
- $1,000 by 21 months from now (April 2020).
Together, we continue to be achieving our goals:  Congratulations to all empowr citizens! Accomplishing these first milestones (including 800% price growth in the first 3 months) required taking the long view, hard work and sacrifice on the part of everyone in the empowr community. Specifically, accomplishing those goals required: A) Fine-tuning the maturation rules when it was needed · Time after time, empowr citizens have always decided on the long-term success of the mission, economy and coin, over short-term benefits · empowr employees gave up their paychecks B) Bringing back the bidding in daily goals to accelerate the growth of the empowr economy C) Hard work and focus on accelerating each of the 3 sections of our virtuous cycle:  As a reminder, the virtuous cycle means that the more our citizens get productive and increase their earnings... ... the more our economy will grow by that same %... ... and the more our coin will grow in value. And the more our coin grows in value, the more our citizens earn (automatically) because of the coins they own. And that’s why it’s called a virtuous cycle: Each section of the cycle reinforces the other. For a refresher on our strategy and approach, take a moment to read the Guide to winning and losing in empowr More great news We’ve always talked about how one of the most important prerequisites to any economy, is a strong educational system. That is why all countries invest so heavily in the education of their youth. The main purpose of that education is to help citizens to become more productive in the economy. In empowr, our educators are hundreds of success coaches from around the world. When you need some knowledge or have a question, you ask your success coach (SC) by sending them an inbox message. Many SCs have responded to questions from their students in as little as 2 hours while other SCs responded to their students in as long as 18 hours. Up to today, the average response time from SCs has been 10 hours. Get ready for this... Getting 100 faster As you may know, our vision and mission call for building the technologies and logistics needed to bring people nearly everything they want or need, within minutes of wanting it, for a very low price (virtually free). Watch video: www.EverythingFastAndFree.com In our quest to make everything fast and free it also makes sense to begin with bringing education to our community fast and free! Last month, we began experimenting with live calls between new students and educators. By giving new students the ability to get their questions answered in less than 5 mins, from an average of 10 hours, we’re bringing education to students over 100 times faster. But will faster 'on-demand' education lead to higher citizen productivity? The results My fellow empowr citizens, we are witnessing incredible results! New citizens coming into empowr are now, on average, twice as productive as new students were before we started the live call approach. Compared to only one month ago, new students are now: - Hitting their daily goals over twice as often
- Bidding, buying, listing, selling and delivering over twice as many goods and services
- Inviting more than twice as many friends to empowr
A doubling of citizen productivity in just 30 days is an incredible accomplishment! It means that the “Citizens winning” aspect of our virtuous cycle is now doubling in size and volume:  And thanks to the virtuous cycle our business model enjoys, double the productivity will automatically double the size of the empowr economy:  And of course double the economy means double the consumption and demand (and upward pricing pressure) for empowr (EMPR) coins:  And of course, as our coin price goes up, our citizens win even more, because most of them own EMPR coins. That (citizens winning) pushes our economy up further, which pushes our coin up further. And so on and so forth. Maintaining coin stability With the upward pricing pressure on our coin we are experiencing, we need to increase the supply of coins to ensure the coin’s price stays on track and doesn’t go up too fast. This is because we want to maintain stable price growth. We don't want our coin to rise or fall too quickly. Therefore, we must now increase the supply of empowr coins, by accelerating the maturity of more of your empowr coins. Coins will be sent to your external wallet tomorrow Recently, everyone that hit their monthly performance goal 2 (or more) months in a row received empowr coins in the external wallets. You can read the announcement here Because of the doubling in the productivity of new empowr citizens and the empowr economy as discussed above, starting today (and every month going forward) we will: 1. Send coins to everyone that hit their monthly performance goal for just one month. That means that citizens that hit their monthly performance goal for only one month, will receive coins (in their external wallets) within the next 24 hours. 2. Send even more coins to empowr citizens that hit their performance goals based on your mission role. If you receive coins for hitting your performance goals, we will now send you a new batch of coins as follows: 10% more for Mission Supporters 20% more for Mission Ambassadors 30% more for Mission Visionairies 50% more for Mission Pioneers 100% more for Mission Founders As an example, that means that if you received, say, 160 coins to your external wallet because of your monthly performance, and you are currently a Mission Founder, empowr now send you another 160 coins. Note: If earlier this month you received coins for hitting your performance goals twice or more in a row, we will now send you a new batch of coins if you have one of the above Mission Roles. Do you wish you had a higher Mission Role? If so, go ahead and advance your Mission Role now, and we'll send you coins based on your new Mission Role. To be clear, we will wait 24 hours from the time of this post, to allow you to increase your mission role and receive a higher number of accelerated coins to your external wallet tomorrow. Going forward, we will continue to: A) Provide coin acceleration to citizens that hit their monthly performance goal for only one month (or more). This is the perfect time to decide to hit your performance goal for July. There's still plenty of time remaining to do that! In fact, simply by increasing your mission role, you might be able to hit your July goal, because misson roles all come with free mission points. B) Further increase your coin acceleration by up to 100% based on your mission role. We look forward to increasing the number of accelerated coins for everyone everyone each month, as we keep growing our economy. If you don’t know how the performance goals work, you can get a quick refresher here. Congrats again to our citizens that are having their coins accelerated While it’s sometimes easy to forget this fact, you are changing the world through your actions and results that are building the empowr economy. For the month of June, the following citizens will be receiving coins (thanks to their mission role or hitting their first month's goal) in the next 24 hours:  And a big congrats and thanks to the mighty success coaches Everyone owes a big THANKS to our amazing success coaches for stepping up and providing on-demand education for our citizens... ... improving the average speed of their service to citizens by 100 times (from an average of 10 hours to less than 5 mins). It is because of their motivation and hard work, that we have accomplished this 'doubling of productivity' result -- which is the reason we can now accelerate more coins. If you haven’t tried the new on-demand coaching yet, simply click “Need help? Chat now” at the top of most pages in empowr:  NOTE: Depending on your language, there may not always be someone available to speak with you at the exact moment you click “Chat now”. The success coaches are quickly ramping up their capabilities to ensure that, soon, there almost always will be someone available. Not enough coaches that speak your language? Why not become a success coach yourself? It's a great way to earn while helping others. To find out how, speak with a success coach! :) EMPR is a top 20 coin and climbing Thanks to the citizens that have been pointing out the EMPR coin's climb on the charts. As of this morning, EMPR is the 17th most valuable coin in the world. It's since fluctuated between #19 - #17 based on intra-day trading. You can see it here: http://www.empowr.com/socnet/EmailStat.aspx?lit=5&me=9njAvUfq52dyu1OYsGESWV.tYF2-GkDlpe2XVnyj9LwTMnSbkDxO3FhwCk.F85sM34nEYp1Gb5q16BOciwpDL1bmPVT81vg2qVt8iU9PJGPBFnq8Xf83-v1cz8n6TU.6pgdD.3AWx7afMz2GqX7.-Vbc9yoc4hkBd-EPIGaefZKAylF-ZQ-vzl7PvTc1OgHF&fan=F1Qw1zM6IEk%3d&opg=https%3a%2f%2fwww.coingecko.com%2fen%3fsort_by%3dmarket_cap&vet=720&dt=072518&mlid=10671270500&tmpID=5798916&linkname=Link10&eaid=O%2bkaqBUtGORE6kvizksYKQ%3d%3d&rt=1 In the coming days, we'll add EMPR to other lists so you can get the visual credit you deserve. :) Based on the current market (where all coins are priced today), our stable growth plan is targeting EMPR to: A) break into the TOP 10 of all coins within 45 days from now... B) break into the TOP 5 of all coins within 100 days from now. We can further help those goals by becoming a pure cryptocurrency economy with EMPR coins at the core of all our transactions. empowr now becoming a pure crypto economy To further maximize the utilization of our coin, effective immediately let's all ensure we're using EMPR instead of U.S. Dollars everywhere in empowr. Our engineers are working to automate the accepting of EMPR coins everywhere in empowr, and remove PayPal and credit cards. In that manner, we can further drive up the utilization of empowr coins, which helps accelerate the "Coin winning" section of the virtuous cycle. If you wish to purchase Mission Roles, simply go here. For now, we'll continue to accept ETH and BTC when you fill out the form or reach out by email -- but let's all prepare to focus on only EMPR soon, as that's another way we can ensure EMPR continues to win. In the coming weeks, we will be automating that entire process; in the meantime, thanks for your patience. What’s next? As the success coaches continue to ramp up their capabilities to ensure all citizens have someone to speak with (live, in real-time) when they have a question, we’re quite confident that the average production rate will double again! (And when that happens, of course that will further ignite the empowr economy and our ability to accelerate more coins for you). In addition, we’re working on a number of other features that we expect will further accelerate the empowr economy and coin, and cannot wait to launch and announce them. To understand or remember how it all comes together, be sure to read (or re-read) the Guide to winning and losing in empowr. Summary Thanks to this amazing community's dedication, our citizens are becoming more productive, our economy is rapidly building, and our coin is rapidly climbing up the charts. All of that is allowing us to increase our distribution of coins to external wallets. Be sure to hit your July performance goal to ensure you receive coins when July is behind us (in less than 2 weeks from now). And be sure to increase your mission role, as it's appearing like mission roles are quickly paying for themselves given the new acceleration policy based on your mission role. Mission Founders now automatically get double acceleration. (We'll wait 24 hours from the time of this post, before distributing coins to you, to allow you to advance your mission role right now and receive a larger distribution tomorrow. In addition, the added mission points you'll instantly earn by advancing your mission role, will help ensure you hit your performance goal for July). Any questions? We’re here for you. Your president, Brian   (more) ►
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