What's up with the empowr coin? By Johnny Cash on January 18, 2019 | | What’s up with the empowr coin? Hello everyone, In the year that has passed, we talked a lot about our coin strategy, and anyone that’s been active in empowr for the entire year knows every twist we’ve taken, and why. But for those just recently arriving to empowr, it takes some work to understand our coin strategy and all reasons behind our various decisions: You need to go read a lot of old blog posts in order to piece the strategy together. Therefore, the objective with this post is to make it easier for our newest arrivals to find the coin strategy information summarized in one, single post... ... as well as give our veteran citizens a single post that they can point newbies to whenever they have questions. Then, in our next post (called the Gold Rush of 2019), I promise to put a simple plan in front of you... ... a plan that will make it clear that we now have a very straight path to accomplishing our mission. Let’s get started. The coin strategy Below, I will summarize our coin strategy, and then answer some frequently asked questions. But first, a message to our newest citizens: In order for you to comprehend what we’re trying to do with our coin, it is essential that you first understand why empowr exists. Why was empowr created and what is the empowr community trying to do? In other words, what is empowr’s mission? empowr’s mission is: To empower people by enabling opportunity, hope and influence. And since any mission that lacks a clear, quantifiable goal is meaningless... empowr’s overarching goal is: To help half the planet (4 billion people) earn a minimum of $25 per day by the year 2025. And what is the strategy to accomplishing this mission and overarching goal? empowr’s strategy: Provide everything required to enable any man and woman that's willing to work and help themselves... ... to successfully emerge out of poverty, and maybe even build some wealth for themselves. More specifically, we want to enable people to earn by simply posting and sharing content, earn by providing others with valuable products and services, and earn by coaching our newest citizens how to success. In other words, this community has come together to work hard with the goal of successfully delivering to the people of the world an economy that anyone, from anywhere and any walk of life can ‘migrate to’ within just a minute or two using just a simple browser on a computer or mobile phone. Since we don’t have -- and will never have -- unlimited resources such that we could just give away money to everyone, we will instead deliver to them a robust economy, that they can use to empower themselves. Every economy has a ton of moving parts, and in 2018 we were all very focused on the currency in our economy (called a ‘cryptocurrency coin’ – specifically ‘the empowr coin’). It’s now been 8 months since we launched our cryptocurrency coin, and in that time, our strategy for our coin has evolved to what we’ll call MAAS – pronounced ‘mass’. MAAS: Mass Adoption and Stable MAAS means that we want our coin to: 1. Gain Mass Adoption as quickly as possible But also: 2. Enjoy a Stable price so that our community can be 100% confident that it will maintain its value from the time they earn it, to the time they decide to cash it out (meaning when they trade it for their local currency) Questions: Why is empowr giving away so many coins? Giving away billions of coins is the ‘Mass Adoption’ aspect of our ‘MAAS’ strategy. Here’s why we are doing that: We believe that, in the next few years, only one or two coins will survive. The winner will be the coin that’s most utilized in commerce transactions, meaning used for buying and selling the most goods and services. In order to get our coin to be the most used for commerce, we are giving away coins to people for social media activities such as posting and sharing, which -- along with searching on the Internet -- is the only electronic activity that billions of people already know how to do. So, to make it easy for people to earn our coins, we spent years building the capability for billions of people to earn by simply doing that which they already know how to do (posting and sharing content). And the main way they benefit from those coins is by: A) waiting for the coins to mature before cashing them out, or by B) buying things from their fellow citizens before their coins mature While they wait for their coins to mature, we try hard to educate them on how to become more productive members of the empowr economy. That means we teach them how to generate profits for themselves by providing valuable products and services to other empowr citizens, and then we even try to teach them how to become successful educators themselves. As you can see, we are attempting to do all we can to get our coins into the hands of people that deserve the coins, meaning people that are bringing quantifiable value to their fellow empowr citizens. To summarize, we are distributing billions of coins to people around the world, in order for our coin to gain mass adoption, so that our coin and economy can become dominant. In a world dominated by networks -- and the Network Effect... the world will likely end up with only one, single electronic economic powerhouse. The world really needs that to be empowr, the one and only platform that was never funded by profit-seeking investors, and therefore the only platform that stands a chance to not turn the people of the world into economic slaves, just to meet the quarterly profit growth demanded by Wall Street investors as we discussed at length last week and many times before that. Why has the price of the empowr coin gone down so much? As we just discussed, based on our MAAS strategy, empowr is busy giving away its coins to millions of people, rapidly increasing the supply of its coin. An increasing supply means that -- all else being equal -- in the short-term, one can reasonably expect the coin’s price to go down. How does this compare to other coins? On the other hand, the price of most other coins seems to go up and down simply with the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Why? Because most coins’ prices are based mostly on only one thing: The mood of crypto coin buyers. Almost all other coins at this point are -- and have -- nothing else but a coin: Almost all of them have no working product yet! empowr, on the other hand, is the only coin that’s being rapidly distributed to not just coin buyers, but economy producers, meaning people that are producing and providing value to others. So, again, in this current phase where we are rapidly expanding the number of coins holders, and therefore rapidly expanding the supply of empowr coins, you can reasonably expect the price of the coin to go down. Why should I be expected to buy coins if the price is expected to go down? First, we don’t expect you (= most people) to buy coins. As discussed, most people receive coins from their activities in empowr, especially from posting and sharing, selling things of value to others, and from success coaching. A small number of our citizens, however, really like to buy coins – and they are quite busy buying a lot of coins. Where’s the clear evidence of that? The evidence is two-fold: The first and most obvious evidence, is that each and every time someone sells a coin, someone else is buying a coin. By definition, the number of coins being sold each day, is always the exact same figure as the number of coins being bought each day. The second and, perhaps just as obvious, evidence: Simply take a quick look at the list of empowr coin holders and you can see that some people have been buying and accumulating many billions of coins for themselves. OK, I can see that people are buying a lot of coins. But why are they doing so, if they expect the price to go down in the short-term? They buy coins because they believe in the empowr strategy and approach, and the implications those things have for not just the people of the world, but also for the future value of the coin. They understand that the empowr community in the incredibly unique position to dominate global commerce if it continues to move fast, and is able to intelligently get its currency (coin) into the hands of millions of people quickly. These coin buyers realize that the coin’s price may continue to drop in the short-term, but they realize that they don’t know -- and neither does anyone else -- when the coin’s price will turn around and start to rapidly climb. They understand that today, anyone – with as little as $1,000 USD – can make the coin’s price go up by 2, 3 or even 4 times in only a matter of minutes. As more and more people learn about empowr and the empowr coin, some of them will also become coin buyers, and some of those new coin buyers will also decide to buy lots of coins. As the number of coin buyers grows, when the coin’s price bottoms out and begins to go up, up and up, it will then be too late to accumulate lots of coins at the current ‘next-to-nothing’ price. Some coin buyers believe that, anytime they have the money, they should keep buying and holding as many coins as they can. When the price goes lower, they just buy more. And if the price drops further, they buy even more. Their strategy is to accumulate as many coins as they can before the world catches up with the fact that empowr is the most advanced online social economy in the world, the only platform to have successfully fused together a social network with transaction-based marketplace, educational and political systems. And now, the empowr platform also has the first cryptocurrency that’s BOTH uniquely stable where it needs to be: giving economy producers peace of mind and unstable where it needs to be: providing potential future upside for coin buyers, and enabling empowr to pursue rapid, mass adoption of its currency. Will empowr ever do a coin swap? Yes, we expect to do a coin swap, from time to time, so that we can ensure the coin's price stays within a target range. (A coin swap is when you swap your coins for a new coin). Why does the price range matter? It matters because of costs to coin traders, stemming from cash out gas fees to costs from the 'spread' %. (The 'spread' is the difference between the highest price a coin buyer is willing to buy, and the lowest price a seller is willing to sell. I know this might be a complicated subject for some citizens to understand, but just know that the lower the spread %, the better for coin traders). The important thing to remember is that a coin swap has NO EFFECT on any coin holder's share of the overall supply, as empowr will make sure coin holders receive the same % of the overall supply in the swap. Therefore, coin swaps are only a good thing for all coin holders, because it will help them cash out and trade coins at a lower cost. You can expect a coin swap to happen once every 6 to 12 months, over the next year or two. After that, we expect a coin swap to happen much less frequently if at all. The end result of empowr's strategy and approach? An economy that starts with a skill billions of people already have (posting and sharing), financed and built for the people, by the people, with a built-in currency that’s quickly being distributed to economy builders (IE: labor), as opposed to just coin buyers (IE: capital), with 100% stability for producers in the economy (IE: labor: sellers, coaches etc.), but with immense potential upside for coin buyers (IE: capital). One last question: Has this strategy of minting more and more coins in order to get momentum, ever been tried before? In a way, yes, absolutely. Just think of all the technology and other companies that have ever gone public. When they first started out, they had a certain number of ‘shares’. Then, they kept ‘printing’ more shares, which they would sell them to investors, in order to generate capital and expand the business. Eventually, by the time they went public, they had a massively larger number of shares than when they started. The share prices of many of these companies (think of Amazon, as an example) were in the dumps for many years, while they built up their market share. Eventually, when they turned the corner, like it took Amazon 10 years to do after they became a public company, their share prices eventually exploded. Take a look at how, Amazon, even as a public company, had its share price very close to $0 for a full ten years (from 1997 to 2007) after its shares became public traded... ... before it exploded:  Well, at empowr we now have 18 years behind us, and arguably a more complicated business than Amazon, especially when you consider that, together, we built all of this without raising a single penny from investors. In our next post, we’ll discuss with the achievements of 2018 behind us, why 2019 must be our break out year. I’ll share details so we can all understand precisely what will need to happen, and we’ll also discuss exactly how you can benefit, not just in the long-term, but in the short-term. Summary With the above, hopefully we have successfully summarized the empowr coin strategy, and answered all the questions that come to mind. However, if any other questions come to mind that you think a new empowr citizen may have, please add the question(s) in the comments below, and we will add them to the list of questions above. Then, in the next post, we will discuss The Gold Rush of 2019, which will be our way of acknowledging that it’s been a tough year for everyone, that the community could really benefit if we took some time to ‘lick our wounds’ a bit, and distributed some extra rewards to our hard-working citizens that are still here, still pushing forward despite all the challenges and obstacles that came our way in 2018, and that still believe in the mission and what it must -- and will -- do for the people of the world. Yours truly, JC (more) ►
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