Monday, October 22, 2018

How to increase your cash advance by up to 500%

How to increase your cash advance by up to 500%
By Brian C Woosley on October 19, 2018
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Hello empowr citizens,

As you may know, the community is focused on increasing our coin trading volume on the currency exchange.

Towards that objective, we’ve recently launched the coin trading bonus (where you earn up to 7% of your daily trades) to reward our community members for their trading activities!

Today, as promised, we’ve now updated the cash advance algorithms to further reward those that are trading on the currency exchange.

Let’s discuss how the new algorithms work so that you know exactly what you need to do to maximize your cash outs and trading bonuses. 


Cash advances increased by 500%

Up to now, your cash advances increased in size as your marketplace activity grew, your Mission Role advances, as well as when you hit your Daily Goals.

Now, your cash advances will grow as your trading volume grows.

With the algorithm updates, those of you that have been trading a lot over the past week have likely already noticed that the amount of your cash advances have dramatically increased.

To see if you are trading enough, look at the new progress bar in the Transfer Out page:

 How to increase your cash advance by up to 500%



How do you know when you’ve done enough trading?

Based on the amount of trading you are doing in the most recent 7 days, your progress bar will be filled anywhere from 0-100%.

If the bar is 100% full, it means that you’re doing a great job at increasing your cash advances by trading.

And if your bar is, say, 20% full, it means that you can significantly increase your cash advances by trading coins. 


Don’t miss out!

If are already trading a lot (and your progress bar is full) keep up the good work!

And you aren’t trading (and your progress bar is near-empty) then the fastest path for you to increase your cash advances is to start trading now.


More visibility into your cash outs and trading

In addition to the cash advance algorithm updates, we’ve added a new announcement bar at the top of every profile page:

How to increase your cash advance by up to 500%

From this bar, you can:

1)      Access the coin purchasing page to buy empowr coins (on the left)

2)      Cash out directly from your balance page (in the middle)

3)      View the most up to date target trade range (on the right)

Each time the target trade range is updated, you’ll notice that the color on the right side of the bar will change.  

How to increase your cash advance by up to 500%

In the top image, notice the red color on the right side. 

In the 2nd image, notice the red has changed to green.

The color change makes it easier for everyone to notice each time the target range has changed.



Your trading strategy

Remember, the new progress bar’s % is based on your trading volume from the last 7 days, so ALL your trading TODAY will absolutely count in that %.

Therefore, if I were you, I would immediately start trading as much as I can. As you do that, you’ll see your progress bar increase, as well as the amount you have available to cash advance.


Just make sure all your trading is within the target range, or else you won’t get credit.

I recommend following these two (2) simple tips to ensure ALL your trades will count:

1)      When SELLING coins, only place Limit orders within the target trading range

                How to increase your cash advance by up to 500%

2)      When BUYING coins, only take (accept) sell orders that are priced in the target range

How to increase your cash advance by up to 500%

Note: When taking (accepting) sell orders, be sure to refresh your browser, which helps ensure the orders are still available (and you’ll get less fails). 

As a reminder, when the Account Activity in the current exchange says a transaction has failed, click it to see if it really did fail. Quite often, it says “Fail” but when you click it, you’ll notice that it has succeeded.

Go here for more tips on how to trade

A final note

The empowr has been experiencing slowness over the past 24 hours due to some of the upgrades mentioned in this post. empowr engineers have been monitoring the issues and rapidly rolling out fixes.

We now believe this should be resolved, but if any of you are still experiencing slowness, please let us know in the comments below and we will investigate further. Thank you for your help and patience!


Guess what?

The airplane carrying empowr’s new president (Carlos) from Portugal is scheduled to land in California within the next hour!

All of us at empowr are so excited to have our new leader firmly on the saddle, when Monday morning arrives!



Any questions? I’m here to help.



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