Thursday, June 14, 2018

Guide: Part 3: Accelerating the win

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Guide: Part 3: Accelerating the win
By Johnny Cash on June 6, 2018
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The definitive guide to winning & losing in empowr

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Part 3:  How we accelerate and secure the win

Welcome back.

Thus far, in this guide, we discussed that:

A.  Citizens winning

      ... leads to

B.  The empowr economy winning

       ... which leads to


C.  The empowr coin winning

       ... which further amplifies and boosts


A.  Citizens winning

      ... and so on, and so forth.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Thanks for staying with me in this conversation.

EVERYTHING we have discussed thus far, was purely background information...

... so that we could now, finally, have the opportunity to discuss what we really need to.


And with that, I’ll get to what I personally believe is the single most exciting point of this guide:

Here it is:


Given that we’re fortunate enough to have created a ‘virtuous circle’...

... we can now accelerate our speed and momentum...

... by improving ANY of the 3 elements of the loop:

                                                Guide: Part 3: Accelerating the win


In other words, everything and ANYTHING we do...

... that helps ANY of these 3 elements...

... will help accelerate ALL 3 of the elements...

... bringing us to our win faster.


That fact is music to our ears...

... 100% PURE MAGIC ...

... for any company that has limited resources.


We’re now able to kill 3 birds with each stone we throw.


That means that, if we’re really, really smart with how we use our resources...

... with just a few moves we will be able to quickly accelerate...

... I mean, completely ignite, almost overnight ...

... our virtuous cycle beyond the point of no return.


For example, imagine if we could somehow find a way to immediately grow...

... I mean instantly amplify....

... the element of citizens winning, like this:                                                                                                    Guide: Part 3: Accelerating the win


If we were able to do that...

...  the growth from that single (citizens winning) element would immediately pour into the next element...

... meaning instantly amplify the empowr economy ....

                               Guide: Part 3: Accelerating the win



And that would, in turn, cause the coin to explode in value as well:

                   Guide: Part 3: Accelerating the win


And we already talked about the first thing we’ll do when that happens: ACM – Accelerated Coin Maturation for our citizens...

... which would mean, of course...

... that the ‘citizens winning’ element would even further explode.


Is this making sense?

If somehow we can discover what the singular thing is...

... the very smartest thing possible...

... that can be done to accelerate our ‘citizens winning’...

... then we will have simultaneously ignited our economy AND coin.


If you agree, then it should follow that we must do what we can to find the one thing that would most help our citizens win...

... and then immediately get to work to enable and/or build that one thing as quickly as possible.


One thing our time in empowr has taught us

If history has taught us anything, it’s that almost all our best ideas did not, will not and do not come from the very smart, very motivated and very capable empowr employees.

Almost all our best ideas have always come from the mighty empowr community of citizens and success coaches.


Therefore, instead of using this post to point out the best idea we have come up with...

... let’s stop right now and allow you to think.


Having been an empowr citizen for as long as you have...

... please use your gut to answer this question:


What is the one, singular thing that we could do to -- almost immediately -- explode the success level of our citizens?

Please use the comments below to answer that question.


If your idea is only half-cooked – that’s totally fine.

Your half-cooked thought may be ALL that’s needed to spark something in someone else, and they can use the comments below to add to your idea.

And then someone else might add even more to the idea.

And so on, and so forth.


And that’s exactly how collective intelligence works.

By combining our thoughts and brains, we can achieve the equivalent of a super-computer...

... with the resulting thinking and ideas becoming better than what any single person could have achieved on their own – no matter how intelligent they may be.


To be clear, we will certainly communicate our thoughts as well...

... but before we distract the community with those thoughts...

... which might limit your thinking...


... let’s access everyone’s ‘stream of consciousness’ ideas...


By that I mean often the very first thoughts that enter your mind, when presented with a question, may be the best thoughts.

So please your idea(s) stream out from your mind directly into the comments below...

...  so that we may all benefit from them and build on them.


I promise you that empowr employees – especially the product and engineering team members – will read and discuss each and every one of them


Oh, and one more thing:

Why stop at finding our very best idea to amplify ‘citizens winning’?

The beauty of this virtuous cycle is that, by discovering and executing the best idea in ANY of the 3 elements...

... the idea that will most create instant or near-instant acceleration in that element...

... all three (3) elements will immediately benefit in the same proportion.


Therefore, let’s hear your best idea for any of the 3 elements.


So let’s get right to it:

1.  What is the one thing we could do, to most ensure our citizens will win – something that will make the ‘citizens winning’ element in the cycle instantly blow up in size?

2.  What is the one thing we could do, that would most ensure the ‘empowr economy’ will near-instantly explode?

3.  And what is the singular thing we could do, to light our coin on fire.... creating immediate and significant upward pricing pressure for the coin?


I’ll go silent for a while to ensure we leave ample time for all ideas to come in.

When the ideas stop coming, we’ll move forward again, and...

... along with our community members reading your ideas here...

... I will personally ensure that each and every one of your ideas is read, understood and discussed by all empowr product and engineering team members during the coming week.

Based on all the incredible goodness -- innovations and breakthroughs -- that have come from you in our previous such discussions...

... I, for one, simply CANNOT WAIT to read your ideas.


Next: Part 3A: Accelerating and securing the win for empowr citizens

(more) ►

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