Thursday, June 28, 2018

empowr update June 15, 2018

Price of empowr coin (EMPR)
In empowr coins:
Your coins: e͈̎0.00
Your pre-coins: e͈̎13.24
Total: e͈̎13.24
In U.S. Dollars:
Your coins: $0.00
Your pre-coins: $19.86
Total: $19.86
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empowr update June 15, 2018
By Johnny Cash on June 15, 2018
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empowr update June 15, 2018

Hello everyone,

It’s been 10 days since we wrapped up our 12-part discussion about winning and losing in empowr...

... so I thought this is a good time to provide an update to you.

A quick summary before an update:

·    -- empowr citizens succeed as they earn empowr coins by providing products, services and coaching to other citizens, and by hitting their daily goals.

·    -- As more citizens succeed, and more of them are improving their monthly success level, the empowr economy grows and succeeds

·    -- As the empowr economy succeeds, more coins are being consumed in the empowr economy (as opposed to transferring out and being sold on the blockchain) pushing upwards the price of the empowr coin. That’s how the empowr coin succeeds.

·    -- As the price of the empowr coin moves higher, empowr citizens automatically succeed even further, because they own coins that are maturing or fully matured.

· ---- What was just described is a virtuous cycle where each of the 3 elements are accelerating the velocity of the element that follows them:

                                                            empowr update June 15, 2018


·    -- The empowr coin has an addditional, almost independent path, to succeed, as demand for it continues to grow as outsiders notice its stability and growth characteristics among a sea of volatile coins.

·    -- We’ve called this phenomenon -- where outsiders take notice of a coin, buy some and recommend to others to do the same: ‘catching fire’

·    -- The community has stated its desire to prioritize the empowr coin’s stable growth over many other objectives.

·    -- The plan to ensure stable growth calls for your coins to be worth $10 by the end of this year; $100 by 14 months from now (Aug 2019) and $1,000 in 22 months (April 2020).

--   Based on current prices:

--  Today, the empowr coin is the 23rd most valuable coin in the world

--  In 2 weeks, it will break into the top 20

--  By the end of this year, it will break into the top 5 of all coins


· -- -- In order to accurately meet those targets, we must quickly increase the supply of coins on the blockchain when the coin’s price moves above its pricing target...

... and successfully decrease the coin’s supply when its price moves below targets.

· -- -- Increasing coin supply happens when coin holders (such as empowr citizens and empowr the company) sell some of their coins on the exchange.

--   Conversely, decreasing coin supply happens when the anyone (such as empowr citizens, the general public and empowr the company) buys empowr coins.


·   -- As promised, to ensure enough coins are being sold on the exchange, empowr will be accelerating the maturation of coins held by those empowr citizens most responsible for accelerating the virtuous cycle and the coin’s catching fire

·   -- Based on their results in the last 10 days from one or more of the following activities:

1. helping citizens become successful by coaching them

2. introducing outsiders to the empowr coin

3. boosting their personal month-over-month performance

 ... the following empowr citizens have had some or all of their coins accelerated and transferred to their external wallets:

empowr update June 15, 2018


·   -- As a reminder, each empowr citizen has a little blue arrow on their profile photo:

                                                 empowr update June 15, 2018

That arrow indicates their monthly performance goal, measured by how many mission points they have earned during this calendar month.

As their mission points grow, the colorful ring around their photo shows how close they are getting to their goal.

For details on what the different colors mean, click here and scroll down near the bottom of the post.

Based on how many months in a row the citizen has hit their monthly performance goal, they automatically get some of their coins accelerated and sent to their external wallet.

As you can see in the above image, Patric has hit his goal 3 months in a row - and with half the June still ahead of us, has already hit this month's goal -- which means he will definitely have a '4' on his profile photo during all of July.  Well done!


The empowr engineers are simultaneously working on all 3 elements of the virtuous cycle:

empowr citizens succeeding

The educational system

·    -- The success coach program is undergoing a rapid transformation to an on-demand, real-time approach

·-- -- In one week from now, empowr citizens will be able to see which success coaches are available RIGHT NOW and immediately communicate with them using text-based chat, telephone, Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Google Hangouts and more.

·    -- Students and coaches will benefit from a presentation platform, that will allow both one-to-one and one-to-many coaching sessions.

o   The first version of this platform has now been delivered to success coaches. The next phase will allow SCs to upload and share presentations with other coaches.

·    -- Success coaches most responsible for student success are now being rewarded with bonuses and real-time coin acceleration (compensation within 24 hours).

o   This is the perfect moment to become a success coach, for anyone that loves helping others and earning empowr coins: To become a success coach, speak with your success coach or May Ram


The mission wheel

Perhaps the easiest thing we could do, to ensure empowr citizens are succeeding, is to simply give them more empowr coins.

The average amount of coins being awarded by the mission wheel has increased significantly in the last 10 days...

...already a full 50% higher for some citizens...

... and it will continue to grow in the coming days and weeks (funded by citizens with dormant accounts).

Most of these coins are being awarded to the citizens with the higher mission roles.


The empowr economy succeeding

·    -- The empowr presidential election is moving forward. 

Our community will soon elect the citizen with the most knowledge and passion...

... and empower them to take all your best ideas on how to accelerate the empowr economy...

... and make those ideas come to life.


·    -- empowr engineers are working on creating more visibility to guide empowr citizens.

The issue is that many citizens are losing a lot of compensation without even knowing it is happening.

The compensation they are losing -- especially coins from the mission wheel – is happening because they:

     o   List things that don’t sell

o   Sell things but they don’t deliver

o   Deliver things but get too many refunds and disputes

o   Dispute too many purchases as a buyer

o   Fake selling (to a second account or to others) just to generate mission points

o   Earn poor seller, buyer or SC ratings

... and a host other marketplace behaviors that are quietly eating a lot of their compensation without them understanding that this is what’s happening.

By making it more transparent to citizens how the above behaviors are hurting their personal earnings and success, it’s clear that these citizens – and the empowr economy – will benefit greatly.


The empowr coin succeeding

·    -- empowr engineers will soon roll out a special customized “Coin purchase URL” for each citizen to be able to point their contacts directly to the coin buy page:

                    empowr update June 15, 2018

When your contacts click your personal “Coin purchase URL”:

·      They get 1 founder coin for each coin they purchase

·      You automatically receive 1 founder coin for EACH coin your contact purchases 

·      Within 24 hours, you also get some of your coins accelerated and transferred out to your external wallet, where you can sell or continue to hold your coins


And finally:

 “How can I transfer out more coins?”

This is a question that seems to come up often, so let’s answer it again and again:

Before the coins fully ‘catches fire’...

... we want most of the coins being transferred out to be exclusively for those citizens that are most successful in ensuring it does catch fire...

... by their results in one or more of these 3 activities:

1. helping citizens succeed by coaching them

2. helping themselves and the empowr economy succeed by boosting their personal month-over-month performance

3. helping the coin succeed by introducing outsiders to the coin


So, when will YOU have coins ready to transfer out?

Are you doing one or more of the above 3 things?

You can continue to expect your coins to be accelerated and sent to you within 24 hours of your success in that area.

The more you succeed in one or more of those areas, the more you’re creating “0-day maturation” for yourself.

Keep it up and all your coins will be accelerated within 24 hours of when you earned them.

Or, are you planning on doing none of the above 3 things?

When the other citizens (that, unlike you, are most helping the coins catch fire) have succeeded at lighting the coin on fire.

At that time – when the coin catches fire -- maturation will be reduced, accelerated or even eliminated for everyone.


When will that time be – when maturation is reduced, accelerated or even eliminated for everyone?

And again: When the coin catches fire. 

That could be next week.

Or it could be a year from now.

It could be anytime in-between, before or after those timeframes.

Given our unique capabilities and dedication to this approach, it’s only a matter of time.

If you’re not doing your part to light that fire, then please stop asking as the answer won’t change.

And until the coin catches fire, I can assure you that a growing number of people will be having more and more of their coins accelerated and transferred out daily, quietly and without your being notified.

Many will be soon be enjoying 0-day acceleration – with 100% of their coins fully liquid within 24 hours of when they earn them.

Perhaps the only question you should be asking...

... and also answering for yourself...

... is whether you are doing your part -- or are now ready to do your part...

... or whether you still believe the best path for you is to just sit there and do the minimum...

... and money will magically pop out for you.


Either way, we wish you the best of luck and will continue to do everything we can to help you succeed.

Please let us know how we can help.

Yours truly,


  (more) ►

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