Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Celebrate this season with top quality Irish-made Celtic Jewelry

Celebrate this season
with top quality Irish-made Celtic Jewelry


The Christmas season is just around the corner and there is no better way to complete your outfit than with top-quality Irish-made Celtic Jewelry from Emerald Isle Jewelry.

At Emerald Isle Jewelry, our genuine Ireland-made jewelries are more than a piece. They are something precious that you will always have as a symbol of those special moments. We have in store Claddagh Rings, Pendants and Earrings among others.

Above all...they make a perfect gift this season.

Visit http://www.emeraldislejewelry.com today to purchase or for further enquiries

Emerald Isle Jewelry

Claddagh Ring

The Irish Claddagh ring is crafted with three key features; these are the shape of two human hands round a heart with a crown on the top of it. These symbols represent what the ring stands for, which is friendship, love and loyalty. The ring is a very popular fashion collection item in Ireland and is used by them for both wedding and engagement functions. It is common to see a mother passing the ring to her daughter that have attained the age of adulthood, and this is continuously passed on within the family. The ring is also worn sometimes to let others know the relationship state of the person wearing the ring.

Celtic Cross

The Irish Celtic Cross is a symbol of great significance in Ireland and other places outside of Ireland. The symbol is a reminder of all the mysteries that are associated with the dark age. The symbol's significance cut across various faiths including paganism and so also does it popularity among these religious faiths.

It derives it name mainly due to the fact that it was first discovered in the Celtic island of Ireland. It has also been discovered in other Celtic lands such as Wales and the south western part of England. 


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