Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Word of the Day: Erudite

Can you pronounce erudite?
Word Daily
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
adjective 1. Having or showing great knowledge or learning.
"You can go a long way in life if you remain an erudite student."
"She developed a reputation as an erudite scholar who was passionate about her field of study."
"The dinner guests are an assortment of erudite and entertaining personalities."
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Latin, late 15th century
Why This Word?
The origins of "erudite" literally describe someone who is not rude (based on the Latin "rudis," meaning "rude, untrained"). The word "rude" in this context didn't mean "impolite"; instead it meant "unrefined and unlearned," and the prefix "e-" can be translated as "out of." ...
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