Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Word of the Day: Antediluvian

Can you pronounce antediluvian?
Word Daily
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Today's Word Brought to You By
adjective 1. Of or belonging to the time before the biblical flood.

2. (Mainly humorous) Ridiculously old-fashioned.
"The marker of the end of the antediluvian age is the story of Noah's Ark in the Book of Genesis."
"I try to keep up with slang, but I worry that using it makes me sound antediluvian instead of cool."
"The decor at the bed-and-breakfast was so outdated, it was nearly antediluvian."
Today's Word Brought to You By
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Latin, mid-17th century
Why This Word?
The Latin construction of "antediluvian" translates directly to "before a flood," and in the mid-17th century, the word entered theological service to refer specifically to the time period before the biblical flood. ...
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