Saturday, May 12, 2018

Thanks; and revising the goals

Thanks; and revising the goals
By Johnny Cash on May 5, 2018
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Thanks; and revising the goals


Hello everyone,

In our last discussion, our president Brian:

1.   discussed the importance of the stability in the price of the empowr coin

2.   made some suggestions designed to help the coin’s stability

3.   asked for your thoughts and votes relating to the suggestions

Today, let’s summarize what was discussed, and show you some of the results that we’re already starting to see.


1.  Stability

Coin price stability is critical so that the price of the coin won’t be going up and down by 20% or more every day – so we can all focus on our work, building our networks and the empowr economy.

As you may know, the success of the empowr mission and overarching goal depends on our ability to build a vibrant economy – capable of helping millions empower themselves.

By the way, while we're on the subject of stability, a very big high-five goes out to the community -- for the very unique growth and stability the coin has been showing over the exactly 2 weeks since the launch of the coin:

                Thanks; and revising the goals

2.  The suggestions

Brian then shared some suggestions – designed to ensure the coin had the highest chance of continued stability and growth.

Those suggestions were:

A.    Classify accounts as active or dormant based on whether their owner is the doing the minimum basic economy building blocks – which are hitting their daily goals most of the time.

Dormant accounts would have different maturation requirements – and a monthly fee -- so that the active people (those working hardest to build their networks and the empowr economy) looking to sell coins would face a smaller supply of coins from the people deciding to do very little. 

B.  The people with the most coin – those that had put the most into the empowr economy – were asked, once again, to carry a larger load than the others – by agreeing to a monthly cap on their coins that would be allowed to begin maturation.


3.  Conclusion

Your thoughts and votes were overwhelmingly (approximately 95-97%) in favor of all of Brian’s suggestions.

As always, thank you for choosing the long-term success of the mission over the short-term rewards.


Are you sitting down?

If you are not, please sit down as we’ve got some exciting news to share.

As exciting as your decision and votes to protect the stability and growth of the empowr coin, it is becoming clear that most of you have chosen to get back to work – hitting your goals, generating mission points, and building/protecting your ratings and reputations.

Just look at how marketplace bidding has exploded, starting from a very stable and constant rate:

                               Thanks; and revising the goals

And look at how initiated marketplace sales have exploded, also starting from a very constant rate:

                                                                                                                                 Thanks; and revising the goals     

Since last week, initiated sales volume in empowr has increased by an annual rate of nearly one quarter of a billion US Dollars ($250,000,000) – and it is continuing to grow rapidly!


We are simply blown away

Every time citizens, success coaches and/or employees are asked to step up and sacrifice for the sake of the mission, they always have.

So, even though we have all become accustomed to these incredible sacrifices, we never stop being surprised by how amazing this community is.


The result of this growth

One of the incredible side-effects of this economic growth we are witnessing, is an ability to revise our goals upwards.

We have been busy doing that, and without boring everyone with too many details, I’d like to share one detail with you that many of you will find interesting.

In our numerous discussions over the last 6 months about the empowr coin, the community eventually decided on a total coin supply and how we would distribute the coins.

Together, we came up with a target of $1 per coin by the end of May (this month); a $5 per coin target by the end of this year (2018), and a $1,000 per coin target by the year 2025 (nearly 7 years from now).

Well, based on the incredible growth we’re now witnessing in the economic factors within empowr...

... we’re now increasing our targets to $10 per coin by the end of this year (2018):

                             Thanks; and revising the goals

... and $1,000 per coin by the first week of April of 2020 (less than 1 year and 11 months from now):                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Thanks; and revising the goals


As you can see, this represents is an incredible acceleration of our goals and underlying plans.

It is simply astonishing what we can do together when almost all of us are chasing the same mission and motivations.

Those of you that have been working on this mission for many years, have seen so many incredible accomplishments and victories – resulting from the community’s hard work and sacrifices...

... but it still is so amazing to witness it in action each and every time it happens.

And as always, let’s be very clear:  ‘Targets’ are goals. They are not a guarantee of anything.  Please do NOT rush out to sell your house and buy coins. You should never buy coins with money you cannot afford to lose.

What you can do, however, is get to work if you haven’t already – as empowr will be distributing billions of coins – and most of those will be going to empowr citizens as compensation for their activities.


What are the very best three (3) things you can do to own lot of coins?

1.  Hit your daily goals

Each and every time you hit your daily goal, you get to spin the mission wheel for a chance to win anywhere from $5 worth of coins to $1,000 worth of coins.

The $5 top prize is for citizens with the Volunteer Mission Role that have earned 0 mission points in the last 30 days:

Thanks; and revising the goals

The $1,000 top prize is what citizens see that have purchased a Founder Mission Role that have generated a good number of mission points. (More on mission points in a moment)

Thanks; and revising the goals


Everyone else is somewhere in between $5 and $1,000 for their top prize.

There are only 20 slots on the mission wheel so you have a good chance of winning the top prize – especially if you’re hitting your daily goal every day.


A lot of coins are currently going out daily from the mission wheel

I cannot stress this strongly enough:

A.  Buy yourself a Mission Role if you are able to (cost: $10 to $100) and

B.  Hit your daily goal every day

You can go here to buy a mission role here.


2.  Earn mission points

The second most important thing to do is maximize the amount of mission points you are earning.

You earn mission points by providing services you can offer, or items that you are no longer using or are able to procure or produce.

You also earn mission points by being a success coach, and by inviting your friends to empowr and helping them succeed.

You even get up to 1,000 free mission points each month by increasing your mission role.

To see your mission points, go here.


3.  Build and protect your reputation and ratings

The third most important thing to do, is to make the empowr platform work for you, to increase your earnings and make life easy for you.

You do that by making sure to quickly deliver the services and products you sell, and ensure your customers are very happy – delighted -- after buying from you.

Go out of your way to make your customers happy, and the empowr platform will reward you by showing your profile – and your marketplace items -- to many more people.

(Conversely, if you don’t treat your customers like gold, the empowr platform will reduce the number of times you and your marketplace are shown, gently pushing you out of the economy).


Get your share of the coins!

The wheel is distributing a ton of coins every day

All the people that earned $1,000 in coins from the wheel just two (2) weeks ago, have already seen the value of those coins nearly triple.

If this community is able to hit the targets discussed above, each $1,000 in coins today will be worth $1.5 million in less than 2 years.

Does this make sense?

Since the price of the coin is $0.66 today, and the target is now $1,000 in only 1 year and 11 months from now, each $1 in coins you receive today will be worth $1,500 in less than 2 years (again, with those assumptions that the targets mentioned above are achieved).

That means that each $1,000 in coins you earn today will be worth 1.5 million dollars in less than 2 years (once again, assuming together we reach or exceed our targets).

To watch your coins accumulate, simply:

1.  hit your daily goals

2.  keep increasing your mission points, and

3.  protect your reputation and ratings by WOWing your customers

By focusing on doing only three (3) things, you’re not only building your own coin ownership, but you’re also doing your part to creating an economy capable of helping billions of people to uplift themselves.

That is, by doing what it takes to help yourself and your family, you are doing EXACTLY what is needed to help bring millions, and then billions, out of poverty.


Let’s see if we can not only hit those targets, but EXCEED them

If Bitcoin can go from $0.05 to nearly $10,000 (where it is this morning) – why shouldn’t we do much better than the above targets?

Unlike Bitcoin, we not only have everything it takes to create a very large and successful economy, but – with the recent numbers I showed you above – we’re already off to an amazing start. 

Based on what has happened with other coins, perhaps setting a goal of only $1,000 for April 2020 is too low; we will find out. 

But what I can tell you with 100% confidence is that the very best thing we can all do is to not concern ourselves with the price of the coin, but get to work hitting our daily goals, generating mission points and delighting our customers.

It is clear that those of us that are able to focus the camera of our minds on those 3 things will be the big winners; and those that lack the ability to focus and stay on track maybe not so much.


What’s next?

The empowr engineers are still very busy tying up loose ends relating to the launch of the coins. I anticipate those things will take another week or two to complete.

Once complete, they will be turning their focus to the items that you have been requesting – from the ability for empowr countries to compensate their citizens with coins, to marketplace improvements and a whole lot more.

In the next post, we’ll need to discuss the empowr presidential election, as June (next month) is coming right up!


Yours truly,


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