Saturday, May 19, 2018

I really wish that empowr would.....?

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I really wish that empowr would.....?
By Johnny Cash on May 14, 2018
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I really wish that empowr would.....?


Hello everyone,

Are there things that you wish empowr did that would make life better for you?

Do you have ideas on how to make empowr better?

Are there things about empowr that you really do NOT like – that you wish the people running empowr would improve or fix?

I imagine that your answer to those questions, for many of you, is a big YES.


There are hundreds, if not thousands of ideas for what empowr could choose to focus its resources on.

And there are a significant number of rules, policies and product settings – that govern how the economics, community and features work – that could be modified to better suit the community’s needs.


1.  Which idea(s) should empowr focus on at any single moment?

2.  And what rules, policies and settings are optimal for the success of the empowr economy, currency and community?


How we answer those questions makes the biggest difference to the success of empowr.

Therefore, there is nothing more important than figuring out how to answer those questions as well as possible.

So, what’s the very best way to answer those questions, such that we end up with the very best answers that make the most people happy?


Collective intelligence

At empowr, we’re big believers in the power of collective intelligence.

The idea is that decisions and outcomes...

...  that are derived from the intelligence of the overall community...

... can be much more powerful and optimal than those of any individual or small group of people (such as the management team of a company) – no matter how smart that small group of people may or may not be.


Another way to saying the above, is that – over the long run -- we believe that democracy is the best way to make the very best decisions.

But wait!

Isn’t democracy, as an idea, in big trouble right now?

Isn’t it easier for a strong, individual leader with lots of power (such as a dictator) to just make the big decisions by herself/himself?

The answer is that, in the short-term, it may be easy to point to some good decisions by dictators.  

And the fact that they can move faster (because no one can easily challenge them or get in their way) means that their ideas can become reality faster.

But sooner or later, “soft corruption” settles in around the dictator, as they grow accustomed to working with their team and favorite people. That means that, no matter how well-intentioned they are, their great ideas and energy will begin to fade.

And the opportunity for others (outside the circle of contacts of the dictator and his/her closest associates) to provide or apply their ideas, energy, and hard work to the overall mission begins to fade – as those people closest to the top will be, in essence, blocking them from participating.

Time and time again, countries run by dictators eventually begin to fail, and when that happens, the dictators almost always turn to violence to maintain control and order.


In the long term, democracies win

On the other hand, democracies almost all win in the long term.

Even when democracies elect a bad leader, because of “term limits” – meaning the President has a limited timeframe to stay in power – they more quickly recover from that mistake.

Either way, whether by democratic vote or by violent revolution, when the leaders are replaced, new people and ideas have a chance to be utilized and bring new energy, opportunity and possibilities to the nation.


So, with that background, let’s discuss how the next phase of empowr’s democratic processes will work.

Note: These rules and processes themselves, are subject to change and improve over time – with input and democratic vote by the people as well as input from the experts (such as the many advisors that guide empowr).


How will new laws and policies be created?

Who will run the company, and how will new rules and laws be created?

How will the products, and the policies, change or bend to become more closely what you want?

Here are our initial thoughts, which we submit for your consideration.


First, let’s understand the various roles.


The President

As early as June 2018 (next month) the empowr community will vote to elect the next President of empowr.  (At the end of this post, I’ll need your vote on when the election should be held).

We believe the President’s term should be two (2) years with no opportunity for reelection.


How powerful is YOUR vote?

It depends on how many mission points you’ve earned in the last 12 months.  The more 12-month mission points you have, the more your vote counts.


The Congress

1.  Each empowr country will get a number of congresspersons, based on how many productive citizens they have.  (A productive citizen is one that has generated more than 100 mission points in the last 30 days).

To start, each country will get 1 congressperson for each 100 productive citizens they have. That number (100) will likely change as the community grows.

2.  Any member of the country can be a congressperson. Citizens of the country vote to elect their congresspersons. Votes are based on 12-month mission points.

(This month, as we get started, it may be easier to allow the country founders to elect their own congresspersons, instead of putting it up to vote).

3.  Congresspersons have a term of up to 1 year, and cannot be reelected. 

4.  Congresspersons vote to elect their leader – the Speaker of the House.


The Senate

1.  Senators come from the success coach (SC) team. They are the most successful SCs, based on the % of their students that are productive.

2.  To be eligible, candidates must have served as an SC for a minimum of 6 months, and must have at least 100 students.

3.  Senators stay in power while they are still the most successful of the success coaches, but no longer than 1 year, without a 6 month break in-between terms.

That means that, at any time, if a senator is no longer among the most successful of success coaches, they can instantly lose their senate seats. But they can regain their seat as soon as they get back on top.

4.  The leader of the Senate (also known as the Vice President) is chosen by the democratically-elected President, and will have the same term length as the President.


So, how does it all come together?

So, let’s say you have an idea – such as the idea a few members of our community had a few months ago, which was to convert “empowr dollars” into its own cryptocurrency. 

How can you make an idea like this come to life?

First, talk to you success coach. Also suggest your idea in the monthly customer survey.

But let’s say your idea still hasn’t become a top priority for the company. What can you do?

Speak to your congressperson. Help them to understand your idea. Perhaps they can become a champion of your idea to help you get the word out.

Did they like your idea? No? Maybe your country has more than one congressperson? Also, you might consider switching countries if you think the congressperson(s) of that country would be more open to your idea(s).

Now, let’s say your congressperson has understood the power of your idea. She discusses it with some of the other congresspersons and they agree that switching to cryptocurrency (in the case of our example) would be a great thing for the community, economy and mission.

Your congressperson drafts a ‘bill’. A bill is a proposal that outlines the idea and what is being asked for.

The draft of the bill is sent to the Speaker of the House so that the rest of the congresspersons can vote on it.

The Speaker of the House considers if it is worthy of a vote, and if so, put its up for vote. If a minimum of 51% of the congresspersons vote for it, it has passed the Congress and it is then sent to the Senate for review.

The head of the Senate (the Vice President) takes a look and if she agrees, she puts it up for the Senators to vote.

If 51% of the Senators vote for it, it has now passed the Senate, and the bill is sent to the President to be signed.

If the President does not sign it (meaning she ‘vetoes’ it) she provides feedback as to why she thinks it’s a bad idea or not a priority at this time, so the House and Senate might be able to modify the idea and/or terms, and send it back to the President for signature.

If the President signs it, it becomes the law. Everyone working in empowr reports directly or indirectly to the President, and so they must get to work to make that new idea, product, technology, rule or policy a reality.


The process

We believe that if we had a process like the above in place, we would have moved even faster in the direction(s) you care about, as many of your ideas (like cryptocurrency) would have been discovered and become a reality even faster.

Why is this?

It’s about influence. Influence means the power to control and change the things that are important to you and your life.

Instead of just hoping (or worse, losing hope) that the company’s leadership will work to make your ideas a priority ahead of the other things they see as a priority, this approach gives you a way to FORCE your ideas into reality.

Don’t like your success coach? Choose a different one.

Don’t like your congresspersons? Vote them out.

Don’t like your country? Switch to a different country or start your own.

Don’t like empowr’s President? Use your vote to elect a different President. Or become the President yourself.

Have a great idea? Or does something really bother you about empowr, its products or policies?

Take your idea to your congressperson, and make it a reality.


Next steps

Meet your congresspersons and senators

Next week, we will introduce to you, your congresspersons and senators.


Electing your next President

The empowr presidential election is set to happen next month, June 21st 2018. 

If you’re a success coach, you should consider becoming empowr’s President.



Given how much the recent focus has been on launching the coin, would you like us to delay the presidential election by 30, 60 or 90 days – to give more time for the candidates to prepare themselves?

If you would rather not delay, that’s OK too.

In the comments below, please let us know if you’d like to delay the presidential election, and if so, by how long?


What qualifications are needed to become President of empowr?

A.  You must be a success coach.

Why? If you want to serve a large number of people and help improve their lives (by becoming the president of empowr) you must first have shown a desire, motivation and ability to serve a small number of people and help improve their lives (by being a success coach).

Does this make sense?

Maybe by first being a success coach, you’ll learn that serving others is not for you.

Or, on the other hand, maybe it will further amplify your desire to serve the community.

The bottom line is that being a success coach is as great way to try your hand at being president.


B.  You must speak and write English fairly well. 

We are very sad about this requirement – because there are some incredibly intelligent and capable empowr citizens that don’t speak English all that well --  but if you do not speak English, you will have great difficulty in being successful at your job. 


You will find it very difficult to organize and direct the empowr employees, because most of them only speak English.


C.  You must move to and live in San Diego, California USA while you are President.

Why? Because, again, that’s where your staff all live and work, so you will have difficulty managing them if you’re not working in empowr’s offices.


Again, please remember that we will be wanting to improve the above processes as we learn what works and what does not.

Indeed, some of the things our congresspersons, senators and President will want to improve are these same rules and policies (described above) that govern our democracy.


Your thoughts

In the comments below, please let us know what you think, and also if you’d like to keep the presidential election on June 21st or push it back by a little time (and if so, would you like it to be in July, August or September)?

Looking forward to your thoughts on all the above. Any questions, concerns or ideas about the democratic processes?

We’re here for you.

Yours truly,


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