Monday, November 13, 2023

A weight-loss drug may be good for your heart

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The weight-loss drug Wegovy may also be good for heart health
By Alice Park
Senior Health Correspondent

Most of the attention paid to popular drugs Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro has been about the way these drugs can lead to weight loss and their ability to reduce symptoms of diabetes. But on Saturday, doctors were excited to learn more about another potential benefit.

I attended the American Heart Association annual meeting in Philadelphia to hear the results from a much-anticipated study of Wegovy and its effects on the heart. The session was standing-room only, in a huge hall in the Pennsylvania Convention Center. When the lead investigator announced the main finding—that people on the drug lowered their risk of heart events, including dying from heart disease, by 20% compared to those on a placebo—the audience erupted in applause. Heart experts in the room were excited by the idea of finally having an effective drug to treat the overweight and obese.

Here’s what you and your doctors need to know and the study and how it will change the way heart disease is treated:

  • The study involved only people who had a body mass index of 27 or higher, and had already had a heart attack, stroke, or other circulatory issues.
  • The drug’s maker, Novo Nordisk, which sponsored the study, has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to include the heart benefits in the drug’s label.
  • Many doctors are concerned that the drug will remain out of reach for those who might need it. At more than $1000 for a month’s supply, many insurers don’t cover it, but doctors are hoping the latest data showing the drop in heart disease risk and death could change that.


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Today's newsletter was written by Alice Park and Oliver Staley and edited by Oliver.


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