Monday, April 30, 2018

See who liked your status update

"Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers."

for up to 400% higher earnings
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Hi Lestyantor,

Tp Tran liked 1 of your status updates

Anaheim, California

(340 miles from you)

— Your friends at empowr

It's been 93 days, 9 hours, 41 minutes and 36 seconds since you last posted

Have you noticed? The empowr algorithms only present people that recently posted

Post something now

to ensure you're being presented to others

Need Ideas? Click to post
  • I'm going to close soooo many loops today – how about you?
  • I love meeting new people in
  • I need a good book to read - got any suggestions?
  • I just increased my power! What level are you?
  • I love helping next generation non-profit leaders

Guide to earning on empowr

Did you know? You are earning in empowr with the help of ad credits.

However, you have not yet watched the quick ad credits tutorial video.

Why not take a moment to watch it now and better understand your options?

You earn when your posts get viewed.

Your earnings increase when more people view your posts, so you want your posts shared as much as possible.

The more people you "close the loop" with, the more people share your posts (and the more you earn).

What is "closing the loop" and how do I do it?

"Closing the loop" with someone means sharing some of their posts (which helps them earn).

To close the loop with someone, follow the instructions inside the loop:

  • As you can see, to close the loop with Manuela, you share 2 of her posts.
  • After you do that, you (meaning your profile and posts) will be presented to her so she can close the loop back with you (by sharing your posts) which helps you earn.

The moment you close the loop with someone, you've made it their turn to help you earn. (They won't be presented to you again, until they close the loop back with you).

Summary: The more people you "close the loop" with, the more people will share your posts and the more you earn.

How to maximize your earnings

QUESTION: For best results, who are the best people for me to close the loop with?

ANSWER: Those most likely to close the loop back with you.

QUESTION: Well, then, who's most likely to close the loop back with me?

ANSWER: The next person presented to you, after you click right (or on mobile, click "Next" or swipe left).

Summary: For best results and to maximize your earnings, instead of closing the loop with random people, click right or "Next" to be presented with the next best person for you.

Bonus tips:

Don't fall out: Have you noticed that only people are presented to you that have posted recently? If you don't post anything new, you'll stop being presented to anyone. So ABP (Always Be Posting) to make sure you are always being presented to others.

Closing the loop gets you seen: People aren't presented to you again until they've closed the loop back with you. On your end, that means that until you close the loop with someone, you won't be shown to them again. So try to close the loop with each person presented before moving on.

Location accuracy matters: In the coming months, you'll notice people shown to you will get closer and closer to you geographically as more people join empowr. This will enable you to meet more of them in-person. It will also enable you to receive services from them (paying with your empowr earnings) and totally wipe out shipping costs when you buy products from them.

So why not accelerate the process by inviting people you know? You earn $20 for each completed account if you're the first to invite them.

Summary: Make sure your location is accurate or you'll be missing out on much of the value from the trusted relationships you're building.

The end goal

Your goal in empowr should be to have a thousand people in your circle that you can trust to help you earn.

empowr means freedom: Take a moment to imagine having a thousand people in your circle, with each of them also having, on average, a thousand people in their circle:

  • You'll have one million people within only two degrees of separation from yourself; and a billion people within only three degrees — with each person earning daily, just like you are, and able to purchase with just one click.
  • Anything you choose to sell, Sponsor or promote will almost instantly spread far and wide, enabling financial freedom for you and your loved ones.

Your turn: empowr has spent over 15 years building technologies with only one objective in mind: Bringing economic upside to you as opposed to rich investors, corporations and advertisers. So now it's your turn: Stop reading this and go close the loop with someone!

Get the free empowr mobile app:
Android App on Google Play  Available on the App Store
*This promotional email was sent to and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: empowr Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. You can change your password here. empowr - 501 West Broadway, Suite A182, San Diego, CA 92101, USA

See who liked your photo

"Chase the vision, not the money. The money will end up following you."

for up to 400% higher earnings
(may need to tap first)

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Hi Lestyantor,

Joanawatts liked 1 of your photos

Los Angeles, California

(316 miles from you)
Ken Dorough liked 1 of your photos

Sparks, Nevada

(195 miles from you)

— Your friends at empowr

It's been 93 days, 7 hours, 48 minutes and 26 seconds since you last posted

Have you noticed? The empowr algorithms only present people that recently posted

Post something now

to ensure you're being presented to others

Need Ideas? Click to post
  • What's happening tonight in ?
  • What's your favorite place to eat in ?
  • Have you hugged your Success Coach today?
  • I'm going to close a whole boatload of loops today – how about you?
  • If you dont post anything new for just a day, you'll stop being presented to anyone. So ABP (Always Be Posting) to make sure you are always being presented to others.

Guide to earning on empowr

Did you know? You are earning in empowr with the help of ad credits.

However, you have not yet watched the quick ad credits tutorial video.

Why not take a moment to watch it now and better understand your options?

You earn when your posts get viewed.

Your earnings increase when more people view your posts, so you want your posts shared as much as possible.

The more people you "close the loop" with, the more people share your posts (and the more you earn).

What is "closing the loop" and how do I do it?

"Closing the loop" with someone means sharing some of their posts (which helps them earn).

To close the loop with someone, follow the instructions inside the loop:

  • As you can see, to close the loop with Manuela, you share 2 of her posts.
  • After you do that, you (meaning your profile and posts) will be presented to her so she can close the loop back with you (by sharing your posts) which helps you earn.

The moment you close the loop with someone, you've made it their turn to help you earn. (They won't be presented to you again, until they close the loop back with you).

Summary: The more people you "close the loop" with, the more people will share your posts and the more you earn.

How to maximize your earnings

QUESTION: For best results, who are the best people for me to close the loop with?

ANSWER: Those most likely to close the loop back with you.

QUESTION: Well, then, who's most likely to close the loop back with me?

ANSWER: The next person presented to you, after you click right (or on mobile, click "Next" or swipe left).

Summary: For best results and to maximize your earnings, instead of closing the loop with random people, click right or "Next" to be presented with the next best person for you.

Bonus tips:

Don't fall out: Have you noticed that only people are presented to you that have posted recently? If you don't post anything new, you'll stop being presented to anyone. So ABP (Always Be Posting) to make sure you are always being presented to others.

Closing the loop gets you seen: People aren't presented to you again until they've closed the loop back with you. On your end, that means that until you close the loop with someone, you won't be shown to them again. So try to close the loop with each person presented before moving on.

Location accuracy matters: In the coming months, you'll notice people shown to you will get closer and closer to you geographically as more people join empowr. This will enable you to meet more of them in-person. It will also enable you to receive services from them (paying with your empowr earnings) and totally wipe out shipping costs when you buy products from them.

So why not accelerate the process by inviting people you know? You earn $20 for each completed account if you're the first to invite them.

Summary: Make sure your location is accurate or you'll be missing out on much of the value from the trusted relationships you're building.

The end goal

Your goal in empowr should be to have a thousand people in your circle that you can trust to help you earn.

empowr means freedom: Take a moment to imagine having a thousand people in your circle, with each of them also having, on average, a thousand people in their circle:

  • You'll have one million people within only two degrees of separation from yourself; and a billion people within only three degrees — with each person earning daily, just like you are, and able to purchase with just one click.
  • Anything you choose to sell, Sponsor or promote will almost instantly spread far and wide, enabling financial freedom for you and your loved ones.

Your turn: empowr has spent over 15 years building technologies with only one objective in mind: Bringing economic upside to you as opposed to rich investors, corporations and advertisers. So now it's your turn: Stop reading this and go close the loop with someone!

Get the free empowr mobile app:
Android App on Google Play  Available on the App Store
*This promotional email was sent to and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: empowr Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. You can change your password here. empowr - 501 West Broadway, Suite A182, San Diego, CA 92101, USA

6 Best Snack Bars for Your P.M. Cravings

Stock up this week so you always have a healthy option on hand.
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April 30, 2018
happy begins here
6 Best Snack Bars for Your Afternoon Cravings
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The Fitness Class That Helped This Mom and Daughter Lose a Combined 184 Pounds
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6 Sneaky Stress Triggers and What to Do About Them
This Is the Secret to Cooking Seriously Delicious Tofu
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The Best Spring Superfoods to Fuel Your Warm-Weather Workouts
6 Plyometrics Exercises for a Better Workout in Less Time

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